
Showing posts from 2008

Resolutions = Bad...Goals = Good


Mall = Nutzo

Come On, Play Along

Paragraphs, Queries & A Kid

Nathan Bransford's First Paragraph Contest

Things I Love: My Sisters

Happy Thanksgiving

A Date and Some Ear Candy

Bring on the Cheese. Go On, Bring It.

First, Second, Third

An Idea I Had

A Little MORE Excitement

A Little Excitement

A Big Fat No

Proud to be an American

Asking For Acceptance

Communication is the KEY to Life, I Swear

Waiting & A Random Thought

New Agent Queries Out. Must Purchase Adult Diapers...

A Weight Lifted. Baby Elephants Are Heavy!

Mean People Suck, Except When They're Fake to

My NEW Topper & My NEW Book!!!

The Message

My OTHER New Blog

Welcome to The Funny...Laughter Anyone???

Life's Messages. Be Ready, I'm Going Deep Here.

I've Been TAGGED and I think It's Cool and Fun

And the Skies Opened...a Revising Miracle

Major Prize, Major Prize...and its not Frah-Jih-Lay

A Brick Wall

Under My Belt

The Birth of a New Idea & a Hurricane

Opening Day and my Heavy Heart

Revising...and Cheese. Just go with it.

Done Book 2...Woo Hoo

Good People Rock

So Hard to Wait

Facebook +...

The Waiting Game

What A Book...The Road

Coldplay Interruption

And a new person emerges.

I did it...I wrote a novel