Campgaigner Spotlights Round Two
As you know, I'm participating in Rachael Harrie's Platform Building Campaign. I'd like to formally welcome all of my new blog followers and say how nice it is to have you stop by here.

Since I have a 9:00 a.m. dentist appointment tomorrow I thought it better to post this right now. I'd like to introduce you to five of my fellow Campaigners by giving them each their own spotlight. I hope you take a few moments, visit their blogs and make some new friends!
Meet J. A. Bennett
She believes that you can live in the moment and have goals if you focus on what matters most.
Visit her blog A BOOK, A GIRL, A JOURNEY
Meet Brittany
She is a thirteen-year-old blogger and writer who is witty and intelligent.
Meet Stephanie
She's a certified english teacher on the hunt for a job. She writes YA fantasy and urban fantasy.
Visit her blog WORD BY WORD
Meet Roger Eschbacher
He is a self-proclaimed thug novelista keepin' it real. He also writes TV animation (how cool is that?) and MG fantasy.
Visit his blog THE NOVEL PROJECT
Meet J. R. Williams
She is a proud Chicago native who has experience writing just about everything.
Visit her blog MY ROAD TO FREEDOM
*to the fellow Campaigner who corresponded with me via email and I wrote that you would be in my next Spotlight Outlook has crashed, and I've been forced to view my email through the Yahoo site. All of my folders are in Outlook - and I put your email in my Spotlight folder. I apologize and if you email me and tell me who you are, I will be sure to put in you my next Spotlight group!!

Since I have a 9:00 a.m. dentist appointment tomorrow I thought it better to post this right now. I'd like to introduce you to five of my fellow Campaigners by giving them each their own spotlight. I hope you take a few moments, visit their blogs and make some new friends!
Meet J. A. Bennett
She believes that you can live in the moment and have goals if you focus on what matters most.
Visit her blog A BOOK, A GIRL, A JOURNEY
Meet Brittany
She is a thirteen-year-old blogger and writer who is witty and intelligent.
Meet Stephanie
She's a certified english teacher on the hunt for a job. She writes YA fantasy and urban fantasy.
Visit her blog WORD BY WORD
Meet Roger Eschbacher
He is a self-proclaimed thug novelista keepin' it real. He also writes TV animation (how cool is that?) and MG fantasy.
Visit his blog THE NOVEL PROJECT
Meet J. R. Williams
She is a proud Chicago native who has experience writing just about everything.
Visit her blog MY ROAD TO FREEDOM
*to the fellow Campaigner who corresponded with me via email and I wrote that you would be in my next Spotlight Outlook has crashed, and I've been forced to view my email through the Yahoo site. All of my folders are in Outlook - and I put your email in my Spotlight folder. I apologize and if you email me and tell me who you are, I will be sure to put in you my next Spotlight group!!