Friday Fragments

This is my first ever Friday Fragments. The premise is simple. Blog some fragments (moments) from the past week on Friday and link back to Mrs.4444's blog. Click HERE for detailed instructions.

My Friday Fragments Debut:

- Got my current WIP up to page 113...a page or two a day.

- Got a full request for my MG novel, THE END OF NORMAL, this week - the novel that prompted me to start this very blog back in 2008. Quite the unexpected surprise. A few weeks ago, in relation to an earlier query on a different book, this agent sent me the nicest rejection letter I've received to date. He also ended the email by saying he'd be happy to see anything else I have ready. I emailed him back a query for my MG novel and I got the full request on Tuesday. We'll see...

- Got a full request for my YA novel, EVERYTHING'S NOT LOST, this week. It's been a bang up week for me writer wise. But again, we'll see...

- Came to the conclusion today after conducting a school-wide staff development on Differentiated Instruction that the most unlikely people have the power to amaze you (in a good way) on many, many levels.

- I am smack in the middle of the most extraordinary book called Mindset by Carol Dweck. It is so compelling and impactful that I plan to dedicate an entire post to it after I finish.

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