A Bit of Inspiration ~ Thanks Diablo Cody
Like any good woman, I'm an emotional being. I have days where I know I'm smart or funny or going to land an agent. My cells know it. You know?
And then I have days like yesterday. Doubt, ick, boo-stinkin'-hoo, and it's never gonna happen thinking. My cells then sabotage me and torture each thought I have. You know?
I guess it's the ol' ying & yang thing. The good angel and the devil on my shoulders. The good vs. evil plot line.
I love, when in those low moments, Inspiration crawls under the blanket with me, snuggles up and whispers in my ear, "See this, Kate? Watch it. It's good, right? Well, she started out unknown. Come on now, cut the crap, you can do this too. You can. I promise. This movie is freakin' brilliant isn't it? Okay, I'll stop whispering now."
What movie you ask? Only a brilliantly written movie would be able to inspire me on a doubt-filled day. Only a movie with a wicked sense of humor could fit the bill. Only a tear-inducing movie would cut the mustard.
Behold the movie that inspired me yesterday. As a writer. I love it. I felt like I could land an agent after the credits rolled. Why? Because I am a good writer too. I just have to find one agent that agrees with me.
Just one.
And then I have days like yesterday. Doubt, ick, boo-stinkin'-hoo, and it's never gonna happen thinking. My cells then sabotage me and torture each thought I have. You know?
I guess it's the ol' ying & yang thing. The good angel and the devil on my shoulders. The good vs. evil plot line.
I love, when in those low moments, Inspiration crawls under the blanket with me, snuggles up and whispers in my ear, "See this, Kate? Watch it. It's good, right? Well, she started out unknown. Come on now, cut the crap, you can do this too. You can. I promise. This movie is freakin' brilliant isn't it? Okay, I'll stop whispering now."
What movie you ask? Only a brilliantly written movie would be able to inspire me on a doubt-filled day. Only a movie with a wicked sense of humor could fit the bill. Only a tear-inducing movie would cut the mustard.
Behold the movie that inspired me yesterday. As a writer. I love it. I felt like I could land an agent after the credits rolled. Why? Because I am a good writer too. I just have to find one agent that agrees with me.
Just one.