Something Epic. Epic I Tell You.
So, I met this really smart woman a long time ago. Margie Pearse and I were teaching colleagues. She math, me language arts. For over ten years she researched her bum off and subsequently tried her research out in her mathematics classroom. She gathered the "how" of effective teaching from the big guns in mathematics: Arthur Hyde, Marilyn Burns, Alfred Posamentier and MANY others like Dr. Robert Marzano - crafted lessons (and re-crafted) to push kids' thinking. To make them think through the mathematics and not just do the mathematics. Big difference.
Enter Numeracy research and Ka-Boom! Her instructional practices literally had wings.
And she wanted to write a book.
Our friendship and years of teaching the same grade level proved a fertile ground for writing a book on the teaching mathematics...together.
I'd like to introduce you to our collaborative efforts:
As the title of this post indicates, we have something ah-mazing ah-cookin' in order to help launch this book of ours. It's easy. It's fun. It involves a $100 Amazon gift card + + +.
The whole she-bang launches on our release Tuesday. So check back. You won't be sorry.
We promise.
- Kate & Margie
Enter Numeracy research and Ka-Boom! Her instructional practices literally had wings.
And she wanted to write a book.
Our friendship and years of teaching the same grade level proved a fertile ground for writing a book on the teaching mathematics...together.
I'd like to introduce you to our collaborative efforts:
TEACHING NUMERACY: 9 Critical Habits to Ignite Mathematical Thinking
Our book releases next Tuesday, March 22, 2012 from the amazing educational publishing company Corwin Press.
As the title of this post indicates, we have something ah-mazing ah-cookin' in order to help launch this book of ours. It's easy. It's fun. It involves a $100 Amazon gift card + + +.
The whole she-bang launches on our release Tuesday. So check back. You won't be sorry.
We promise.
- Kate & Margie