A Bit of Recharging

Mighty big family, eh? Believe it or not a lot of my cousins weren't even in this shot. I've got 22 first cousins - there are 26 total including myself and my three younger sisters (and we've nearly all procreated). My mother is one of eight. We used to get together for Thanksgivings and Easters every single year (some of my most treasured memories of growing up) but had to stop when us cousins started getting married - no one had a house big enough to have us all there at once.

We do, however, descend upon the shore for one week in June. Easily 25 houses are rented. This "best week of the year" starts Saturday and I can not wait. I'm bringing a bound print out of my WIP for some sister (and maybe cousin) feedback. I'm psyched the manuscript is at this stage already. I definitely worked my a** off to get it there.

I need this break. My legs will appreciate the circulation boost from walking on the beach as opposed to sitting in an office chair day in and day out writing. Don't get me wrong though, writing is the BEST JOB in the world (besides motherhood and teaching). The charge I get from creating characters and telling their stories is undeniably exhilarating and unlike anything else on earth. Just ask any fiction writer you know!

Have a great week next week, everyone & I'll be back with some hilarious stories to share, no doubt. Write on, my friends, write on....

P.S. Yes, that is a dog's head next to my one sister. You'll just have wonder on that one.

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